If you don't want the penis to morph at all, don't install any of them.ONE of the MorphingPenisScripts, depending on your game patch version - if you don't want the in-game penis options on male sims, don't install this. Again, you don't have to install all of the sliders in the download if you don't want to.
Each has separate packages for teen, adult/YA, and elder - you don't have to install all of them if you don't want to.PenisSlidersHidden OR PenisSlidersCAS -the only difference is whether the sliders show up in CAS. To make this mod work, install ONE of each of the following enisMesh Map1 OR PenisMesh Map2 - the only difference is where on the sim's skin the penis skin is located. download.php?t=173718 siehst du was? Wenn nicht kopier ich den Text (:ne, muss mich da einloggen um das sehen zu können